For investors
If you are a victim of fraud by Taryangroup acting on behalf of the company
AT “POZNYAKI-ZHIL-BUD”, EGRPOU 24089818, Legal address: 02068, Kiev, Akhmatova str., 3
The actual office of the company: 01001, Kiev, Staronavodnitskaya str. 13-B (in the TSARSKY building)
The head of the organization is ARAIK RAZMIKOVICH KAGRAMANYAN (it is he who signs the documents).
The real owner of the company is Artur Nverovich Mkhitaryan, date of birth: November 23, 1982, who received the company from his father Mkhitaryan Nver Mnatsakanovich.
We ask you to write to us by email at [email protected] to unite the injured investors into a group to resolve the issue.